Click below to browse our extensive library of agronomy topics and management guides from previous First to Know newsletters.
We team up with retail to build results on your farm. Stay at the forefront with tips to manage high-performance corn, soybeans, and silage.
Brevant brand products continue to equip ag retail with the kind of high-performance products their customers deserve.
VIEWBrevant brand corn and soybeans are bushels ahead of the pack. See for yourself in this compilation of plot yield data.
VIEWCalculate extra savings on Corteva Crop Protection with the purchase of Brevant seeds.
VIEWSoybean aphids can reduce yield by up to 40%. Get the facts on how to manage aphids, spider mites and Japanese beetles.
VIEWUse this guide to identify and manage corn and soybean diseases.
VIEWHear from the experts. Get advice for your whole acre from retailers, farmers and the Brevant™ seeds team.
Read the latest news from Brevant™ seeds.
Plan a Two-step Approach Against Tar Spot and Its Rapid Spread Across the Corn Belt
VIEWProtect Investments with New High-fiber Hybrids, Plant Moisture Goals and Good Cut Lengths
VIEWAdvancements Include Additional Trait Package and New Integrated Refuge Options
VIEWCorteva Agriscience Debuts High-Fiber, High-Performance Silage Hybrids
VIEWHave Plans A, B and C Ready for a High-Performance #Plant22